incentives for cosmetic surgery

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August 13, 2016

What are the incentives for cosmetic surgery?

Simply thinking that as beauty is good and varied, and any good thing is desirable, and thus, the motive for doing beauty surgeries is clear, seems to be somewhat simplistic. All roads leading to the beauty appear to occur in the domain of positive thinking about self. Every cosmetic surgery finally deals with the human psyche and spirit, and will lead to a perfect result only if it makes the person’s attitude to himself and his self- confidence more positive. Failure to such a change in spirit level of an individual, any cosmetic surgery would be unsatisfactory.

Then, the factors of incentives and psychological, social and age circumstances of each person will be highly effective in achieving the desired result. For example, highly obsessive people and unemployed and socially unsuccessful people, heavily dependent persons, those with depression, and those with negative communication patterns would be among unsatisfied with the surgery even in case of achieving the best results. Through my experience, I have seen certain motivational patterns in my patients, which seem to be different from those written in rhinoplasty textbooks considering our society social and cultural differences compared to Western countries.


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