In case of nasal obstruction due to nasal septum deviation, should the nose surgery be performed in two stages? Although every surgeon may answers this question somewhat differently depending on his work style, but in general, in a case of the need to septoplasty (a corrective surgical procedure done to straighten the nasal septum) due to troubled breathing,…

What are the incentives for cosmetic surgery? Simply thinking that as beauty is good and varied, and any good thing is desirable, and thus, the motive for doing beauty surgeries is clear, seems to be somewhat simplistic. All roads leading to the beauty appear to occur in the domain of positive thinking about self. Every…

Do you put tampons (use packing) in the nose after surgery? What scares many patients from undergoing nose surgery (Rhinoplasty) is the use of tampons inside the nose. Since, the type of tampons use by some specialists buffering for their patients has unfortunately caused unpleasant experiences for the patients after surgery at the time of…
Factors affecting the outcome of nose surgery

Generally, the outcome of nasal surgery in the hands of the most skilled surgeons still depends on two main factors: The type of patient’s skin in terms of flexibility, thickness and the elasticity The beauty of the rest of the face Regarding the skin texture, I usually use an example for my patients that is…

When is the right age for doing rhinoplasty? Answering this question is a bit complicated. In certain cases, such as birth defects like cleft lip and palate, the stages of rhinoplasty may be begun since the infancy. But in general, in a normal person who is willing to do rhinoplasty, the operation can be done…
Which noses need cosmetic surgery?

One of the frequently ask questions by many patients is, “Doctor, do I need to perform cosmetic surgery on my nose?” One who wants to have a cosmetic surgery should know that making decision about whether s\he needs an operation or net is mostly be his own. The surgeon can only tell him/her that the…
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